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How to Make Homework Less Work?

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Homework is always a huge issue for students and their parents. We all wonder when is the best time to do homework? In the morning just before school starts so that the student can remember everything? After school when things are still fresh? Or in the evening so the child can play with their friends during the afternoon and come back to it with a fresh perspective? Every family has their own “homework-ritual”, but what is best for the child?

As it happens, there is now quite a bit of research about this topic and it has shown us a few things. As it turns out, the worst time to do homework (I’m sure this is no surprise to most) is actually the morning directly before school starts. Everybody is in a rush getting ready for the day and no child can concentrate on homework when the whole family is hurrying around. Homework that is done just before school is never homework that is done well and this is a recipe for disaster on many fronts. Parents get crazy, students don't learn, and teachers feel frustrated. Nobody is in a good mood when the day starts with homework. It’s better to get homework out of the way the afternoon or night before and spend the time on having a good breakfast together with your child!

So, after ruling that out, we are left with two more time options, immediately after school and after dinner. Research suggests that it’s generally best to do homework right after school. When your kid comes back from school it is important to have the same schedule each afternoon. Most children need a small break after spending the whole day at school learning new things. Let them have a break of about 45 minutes, have a snack, go to the bathroom and just relax for a while. There are so many possibilities! After that your child usually is able to concentrate again so this is the right time to do homework.

Not every child can work this way, some need a longer break after school, but the danger is that this “break” turns into time wasted staring at the TV. Some children need to be active after school and then after dinner can settle into a homework routine. Research tells us that for most students the evening is normally not the best the best part of the day for homework. The child has spent a whole day of learning, playing, watching TV and having fun. After all of that your child might be tired and not able to concentrate on difficult problems anymore. The brain can’t focus enough to learn anything and by the next morning the student normally can’t remember what he has learned the evening before. For most it is better to have dinner and spend the evening as a family together doing something fun!

Which way works for you and your family will vary, it may even vary from one child to the other. The important part is to figure out what is best for everyone involved and, as usual, find a routine and stick to it. Whatever your child does, good luck and don’t miss out on the fun of seeing them grow up and become responsible adults!

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